Nation Writer Likens New York City Mayoral Election to South African Apartheid Transition

‘Here you have a city that has allowed massive inequality to developed, where people are literally struggling to get by and then other people are living in the penthouse lifestyle’

HAYES: "You'd say, well that's a liberal place, full of liberals, it's controlled by the 1% as any place -- Wall Street is here. And it's not an accident. And they will let you know they are here. So making good on those promises is going to be hard."
NICHOLS: "It's going to be very hard. You know I covered the 1994 transition election in South Africa. And it was one of the most beautiful election campaigns I ever covered, it was very inspiring. And then, power came and it was very, very hard to transition. I'm not comparing South African to New York City, it's very, very different in so many ways. And yet, here you have a city that has allowed massive inequality to developed, where people are literally struggling to get by and then other people are living in the penthouse lifestyle. And to begin to address that in a fundamental way is going to be very, very hard. And Remember Bill de Blasio doesn't necessarily have everybody up the food chain on the side. He's going to have to struggle with national politicians. all I can say is this. That Bill de Blasio ought to take one lesson from Rudy Giuliani. The thing Rudy Giuliani did really well was talk people through things as he was doing them, even if he wasn't succeeding."

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