‘Morning Joe’ Airs Montage of Trump’s Race Relations

‘Trump denied any knowledge of the racist leader he once condemned’


SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "Meanwhile, black celebrities and black viewers helped turn 'The Apprentice' into a hit."
TRUMP: "You’re fired."
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "Bloomberg reports that at his peak in 2010, Trump’s positive Q Score with black audiences was 27, while among non-black audiences it was just 8. But Trump traded that success to make a run at a different demographic."
TRUMP: "You’re not allowed to be a president if you’re not born in this country. He may not have been born in this country."
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "Becoming the most prominent birther and gaining a following in the Republican Party."
VIEIRA: "You have people down there searching — I mean, in Hawaii?
TRUMP: "Absolutely. And they cannot believe what they're finding. (...) He was perhaps born in Kenya. Very simple."
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "After he finally ran for president in 2016 —"
TRUMP: "You know what — look at my African-American over here. Look at him."
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "— Trump denied any knowledge of the racist leader he once condemned."
TRUMP: "I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay?"
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "And tailored a condescending message to African-American voters."
TRUMP: "You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no Jobs. What the hell do you have to lose?"
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "A significant drop in black turnout helped seal Trump’s victory, as even the opposition rallies seemed unenthusiastic."
JAY-Z: "I don’t have any ill will towards him, but his conversation is divisive."
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "Now the president who told lawmakers in the Oval Office that Haiti and nations in Africa are s-hole countries and who David Duke gives thanks for, that same man has the audacity to ask black voters to thank him."
TRUMP: "The African-American unemployment rate has reached the lowest level. (...) And in addition to that, Kanye West likes me."
SCARBOROUGH (voice-over): "It seems it’s all just another transaction for Donald Trump."

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