Limbaugh: ObamaCare ‘Biggest Presidential Lie in Our Lifetimes’

‘This may be––and I’m not exaggerating and I’m not trying to do anything for effect here––this may be the biggest presidential lie in our lifetimes’

Limbaugh: Obamacare Has Become the ‘Biggest Presidential Lie in Our Lifetimes’ (Mediaite)

Both Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton lied to and deceived the public, but Rush Limbaugh believes that President Obama saying people could keep their health care plans if they liked them is the biggest presidential in our lifetimes. Limbaugh has previously gone after Obama for telling a lie far worse than the one that Nixon resigned over.

Limbaugh said the big problem is Obama’s new qualifier about keeping health care plans as long as they haven’t been changed is an outright deception because “Obamacare mandates the insurance companies to change these policies by mandating that they cover more, that they charge more.”

Limbaugh was amazed at the “calculated decision” to mislead the public and could reach only one conclusion.

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