Stewart: Must Be Nice To for a City To Be So Problem Free it Can Be Governed by Crackhead

‘At some point while pursuing this crackhead lifestyle, he will end up sucking some (bleep)’

STEWART: "You remember a few months back we talked to the mayor of Toronto Rob Ford was a crack head. That there was maybe a piece of video of mayor Rob Ford of Toronto smoking -- crack. [ laughter ] and I now understand the videotape is exhibiting the poor judgment you often associate with smoking crack."
[video clip]
FORD: "I cannot comment on a video that I've never seen or does not exist."
[end video clip]
STEWART: "He can't comment on -- good news, everybody. [cheers and applause] now Toronto Mayor Rob Ford can comment on a video of him smoking crack."
[video clip]
REPORTER: "Police say they have video of Mayor Ford smoking a crack pipe and making racist and homophobic remarks."
[end video clip]
STEWART: "Now, wait. Smoking crack and making racist and homophobic remarks, I believe in Canada that's referred to as a hat trick, am I right? I don't know much about hockey but -- [laughter] from the picture of the mayor here with his crack-stituents the racist thing seems to be accepting of anybody that smokes crack with him. And a homophobe? That attitude won't last. At some point while pursuing this crackhead lifestyle, he will end up sucking some (bleep). [cheers and applause] [laughter] and then he will feel bad for the previous remarks. [laughter] But Mr. Mayor while you are still able to speak -- [laughter] can you tell us what were you thinking?
[video clip]
FORD: "I made mistakes. Where do I begin?
[end video clip]
STEWART: "I find in situations like this it's best to begin with the crack smoking but of course you do not."
[video clip]
FORD: "I shouldn't have got hammered at the Danford. If you are going to have a couple drinks you stay at home. But then that's it. You don't make a public spectacle of yourself."[ laughter ]
[end video clip]
STEWART: "One, I would very much like to know what happened down there at the Danford. And two, you realize, from now on I'm just going to (bleep) at home may not be the answer to either your substance abuse problems or your job as the guy who runs Toronto. [ laughter ] If you guys need me I'll be in the basement. [ laughter ] Getting all drunk and (bleep) and sucking (bleep). [ laughter ] Must be nice to look at a city so problem free that can be run for years by a hard drinking crack mayor."

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