Josh Holmes: Nadler’s Talk of a ‘Constitutional Crisis’ Is ‘Melodramatic Nonsense’

‘He hadn’t taken time himself to go down and read an un-redacted report’


HOLMES: “Well, on substance here, there’s just no question that it is case closed. I mean the idea that Chairman Nadler in 15 House staffers that are sort of shuffling around the cannon building can come up with a more substantive case than Bob Mueller could over two years and $35 million is ridiculous. I think where we find ourselves now, and you hear Chairman Nadler talking about a constitutional crisis, I mean what melodramatic nonsense. That — where we’re at right now is that the chairman literally last week said that he hadn’t taken time himself to go down and read an un-redacted report that is totally available to him because he couldn’t share it amongst his colleagues. He couldn’t share it amongst his colleagues.”

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