Trump Crowd Chants ‘CNN Sucks’; Trump: ‘You Know What Sucks? Their Rating Suck Because People Don’t Believe Them’

‘I have to be very careful’


TRUMP: "--Percentage wise. You know, when they say it hasn’t trickled down, the most — percentage wise the most successful are the lowest income Americans. There’s something great about that. And people that are now able to go out — you know, we’ve got veterans choice, we also have applause] And remember this, if I make any misstatement, if I’m off by just a little, tiny bit, those people back there will be headlines. So I have to be very careful. Fake news, they’re fake! They are fake. They are fakers."

["CNN sucks" chants]
TRUMP: "I’ll tell you, you know what sucks? Their ratings suck because people don’t believe them."

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