Former Charlottesville Mayor Destroys Trump’s ‘Very Fine People’ Defense: ‘Not Just Delusional, It’s Very Dangerous’

‘He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about’


SIGNER: “And I think the thing to really concentrate on, and why I appreciate it the way the vice president framed this issue when he said we really do face choices as a country, this really did illuminate the stakes is there really are stakes of this delusion that the president is offering, so let’s be clear. They made a choice to create a populist political campaign to include white nationalist groups in that coalition. Hadn’t done that before. Now at the same time we have seen the Anti-Defamation League has put out a study, 148 violent white nationalist groups now exist in this country. 71% of the deaths that have occurred through domestic extremism have been at the hands of white nationalist groups. There was a front page “The New York Times” article, “The New York Times” magazine last October that came out, the title was U.S. Law enforcement failed to see the threats of white now they don’t know how to stop it. And there was lots of evidence in there because they have been deciding to ignore white nationalists and focus exclusively on foreign-born terrorists, they have actually taken off their foot on the gas of just this threat to everybody. And meanwhile we see the tree of life massacre and we see three African-American churches just burnt down in New Orleans. We have seen in New Zealand, this threat has been metastasizing around the world. In countries very similar dangerous fascist type rallies. And on top of all of this you’ve seen an authoritarian type that’s refused to intervene in this activity the vice president is seeing that’s reminiscesent of the 1930s.”

(Via Mediaite)

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