Tom Kersting on ‘Fortnite’ Addiction in Kids: ‘Our Kids Are More Sedentary Than Ever Before in History’

‘It activates the part of the brain that reduces the same substance that you will get from doing drugs’


KERSTING: “It’s very addictive that would be accurate. A game highly stimulating. Gets the brain going. Kicks in the body’s sympathetic nervous system adrenaline rush like most also sort of reward. Have you things like skins, the other thing that you mentioned. There is also for the player you have the ability to build things, there is a team work element. You aim and things of that so all of those things coupled especially for kids creates sort of a psychological reward, all right? And it activates the part of the brain that reduces the same substance that you will get from doing drugs. So, you know, addiction is basically that in a whether you have kids that are playing this and getting this sort of psychological reward constantly they crave that and that’s how you get addicted and lots and lots of stories we could share if I had time.”

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