Jindal Doubles Down on Charge Obama ‘Disqualified’ Himself from the Presidency

‘We don’t need a president who’s trying to appease the Left, trying to be politically correct. He won’t even name the enemy we face’

HEMMER: “You write this: 'President Obama showed the country he’s incapable of being Commander-in-Chief.' Strong charge yet again. Defend that. Why?”

JINDAL: “Bill, it gives me no joy to have say this. I do think he's disqualified himself to be Commander-in-Chief for a couple reasons. First, he refuses to identify one of the main military threats we face by name: radical Islamic fundamentalism. You listen to those quotes from his own administration. Eric Holder says we are not in a state of war. You’ve got the State Department saying we’re not going to kill our way to victory at a time when these barbarians, they’re beheading Christians, they’re torturing, prosecuting Christians, Muslims, Jews, other religious minorities. They killed over 100 schoolchildren; they’re actually killing editorialists because they don’t like their cartoons. And then, secondly, you look -- this president he seems more intent on telling us, warning us about the Crusades, criticizing America and when he finally submits a request for military force to Congress there are two fundamental mistakes, Bill. One, he puts an arbitrary timeline of three-year deadline there. We know it will be done when we have hunted down and killed these terrorists. Not some political deadline. And secondly, he bars the use of ground troops. Bill, we need to listen to our military commanders. We need to go to them and say, give us a plan to hunt down and kill and eradicate these terrorists. We don’t need a president who’s trying to appease the Left, trying to be politically correct. He won’t even name the enemy we face and now he’s refusing to give our military the tools, all the tools they need to go and win this war.”


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