Stewart: Obama Refutes Opponents in Calm, Reasoned, Slightly Annoyed Tone

‘It’s a condition where one uses facts and research to refute opponents delivered in a spectacle, in its tone suggesting, you can’t believe you have to explain this to these [bleep] idiots again’

OBAMA [video]: "Because it is a lie. Nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that we seek. They are not religious leaders, they're terrorists."
STEWART: "Oh god. Six years into his presidency, six and a half years into his presidency, this man still thinks that he can persuade us through reasoned argument. Have you met us? Oh, you have a rationale. I withdraw my freak out. So the president has made a very conscious attempt to avoid the word Islam assuring critics that this is a deliberate choice, designed to deny ISIS any further propaganda fuel. It's the type of restrained strategy, which is somewhat undone every time one of our killing robots mistakes a wedding for a terror training camp. Anyway, but that's always been Obama's problem. Obama thinks that if he just sits down and explains things to us in a calm, reasoned, slightly annoyed tone, everyone will get it. It's what the medical community called msn-dicitis. It's a condition where one uses facts and research to refute opponents delivered in a spectacle, in its tone suggesting, you can't believe you have to explain this to these [bleep] idiots again. Symptoms include cancellation."

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