Trump Disputes Media Coverage: ‘Nobody’s Been Tougher on Russia’

‘Nobody even close’


TRUMP: “So many I don't want to keep going because I'm going to leave out some people. I could again go so long. So many great people have been been -- they get at. Nobody has been tougher, nobody, on Russia, then me. And everybody -- my enemies say that, when they are reasonable enemies, when they are fair. You look at the pipeline, exposing that going into Germany. You look at oil with the number one -- I mean, it is what we have done with energy, and oil and gas and that is all competition from -- for Russia. You look at the Ukraine, you look at so many different levels. You look at our military. Look at the fact that we would have been powered by wind, which wouldn't have worked, by the way, because it only blows it sometimes, and lots of problems come about. But we are stronger now as a country then we have ever been. We are doing better financially than we have ever done, our markets are heading records all the time, I have many, many records of the highest stock market. People's 401(k)s are doing better than they have ever done by far. It's up almost 50% from the time I am elected president, and other countries are way down. You look at China as an example, we are negotiating a deal with China, we will make a very good deal with China. China is way down. We are way up. But nobody has been tougher to Russia or on Russia than Donald Trump, President Trump. Nobody even close. And yet, with all of that, we want to have a great relationship with Russia. We want to have a great relationship with China. All of these things are smart to do. We'll do great with it. But nobody has been tougher.”

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