Noah on Stolen Wall Razor Wire: Trump Has Ended up Paying for Walls Around Mexicans’ Houses

‘Mexico is stealing the wall’

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NOAH: “Yeah, oh, no. I’m sorry, guys. This is insane. You have that right. Mexico is stealing the wall. Oh, man. Oh, man. I wish I could have been there when Donald Trump saw this story on the news. Knowing him he was probably like, “They did what? Nancy I’m going to need to you spot me another $8 billion. We’re going to need another wall to protect the first one. And I mean, if they’re stealing razor wire for their houses, they might as well steal the whole wall next, right? No one ever thought of that. America will build a wall. No one ever thought Mexico would steal it. Mexicans will be showing off their home security system.” I built a wall around my house, and Donald Trump paid for it.”

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