Sam Donaldson on Tucker Carlson’s ‘Hate Speech’: ‘If Left Unchecked, Will Change the Country Forever’

‘Carlson is going to go on for two reasons — ‘

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COOPER: “So he’s not backing down or apologizing and he says, look, again, this was on a shock jock radio show, they were spoken in jest or taken out of context.”
DONALDSON: “Well, I hate to repeat myself, but can you think of Matt Lauer or any of the other people, Charlie Rose saying, well, wait a moment, it was just in jest. It was in fun. This was something that wasn’t that important, was it? Yes, it was important. It happened long ago, but yes, it’s still important. Your character is important. And that’s what’s happening today is a revolution when it comes to the way men treat women. Well, you say but this is not that. No, this is vulgarity, this is hate speech. This is homophobic speech. If left unchecked it will change this country forever. It’s just as bad and should be punished in the way that the men were punished for what they did. As I say, I don’t foresee it happening.”

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