Biden on Trump’s 2020 Budget: He’s Asking You to Pay for Excessive Tax Breaks for Billionaires

‘I was gonna stay away from this, but I can’t’

BIDEN: "I was going to stay away from this, but I can't. Did you see the budget that was just introduced? It cuts — it cuts $845 billion, almost a trillion dollar cut in Medicare. And almost a quarter trillion, $240 billion cut in Medicaid. Why? Because of a tax cut for the super-wealthy that created a deficit of $1.9 trillion and now they've got to go make somebody pay for it. Something that gave millionaires and billionaires excessive tax breaks. And who are they asking to pay for it? Middle class families who — like you, the neighborhood I grew up in. Trading Medicare and Medicaid for tax breaks? How is that going to help anybody in this room or most of the people you live with? How is that going to help this country?"       

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