Bill Cassidy: Trump Will Get the Money and ‘the Wall Will Be Built’

‘I think the president has done an extremely good job making a legal justification of what he is doing’


FAULKNER: “Before I let you go, so you sit down with representatives of the White House, where are you in all of this, with the resolution, what you think will pass?"
CASSIDY: "I think that Trump is going to get the money." [crosstalk]
FAULKNER: "The $8 billion plus billion, you think that’s going to happen?"
CASSIDY: "Oh, yeah. And the wall will be built. And there may be an amendment on the bill so we'll see what the bill finally looks like. This is unprecedented so it gives a little bit more latitude as to what can be done with it. But the money will be there. And the wall, which the president has suggested will be built."

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