Trump on N. Korea: ‘I Would Be Very Disappointed If I Saw Testing’

‘Time will tell’


TRUMP: "Time will tell. But I have a feeling that our relationship with North Korea, Kim Jong-un and myself, Chairman Kim, I think it’s a very good one. I think it remains good. I would be surprised in a negative way if he did anything that was not per our understanding, but we will see what happens. Look, when I came in, under the Obama Administration, North Korea was a disaster. You were going to war, folks, whether you know it or not. You were going to war. There was no talking. There was testing. We didn’t have our people back. We didn’t have our great hostages back. Now we are getting the remains. We are doing a lot of things now. This was a disaster. I inherited a mess. In many ways I inherited. The Middle East I inherited a mess. And it’s straightening out a lot. We are doing very well there. I inherited a mess.
REPORTER: [Inaudible question]
TRUMP: "Wait, wait. I inherited a mess with North Korea and right now you have no testing, you have no nothing. Let’s see what happens. But I would be very disappointed if I saw testing."

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