Steny Hoyer Hits Sanders over His Defense of Rep. Omar: This Has Nothing to Do with Policy Debate

‘This has nothing to do with any members right to debate policy and to articulate their positions on policy’


HOYER: "I think that is incorrect. I think he is correct that we don't want to stifle debate. This is not about debate. This is about stereotypes. This is about language that has been used for a very long period of time to demean and discriminate against Jews. And other people, because as you know they — the resolution has been broadened. But I disagree with Senator Sanders that this is about free speech and about discussing policies or frankly the Netanyahu administration's putting in its coalition a party that has clearly used racist and hate speech. I think that is unfortunate, but having said that, this is not about that. This is not about debate or policy debates. Every member of Congress, every American citizen has a right and should debate policy differences in an open way without fear of recriminations except obviously opposition to the idea perhaps. I think the senator is not accurate that this has anything to do with any member's right to debate policy and to articulate their positions on policy. It is about doing so in a way that stokes prejudice, bigotry, and hatred."

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