Mimi Rocah: Women in Bob Kraft Day Spa Sting Were ‘Slaves’ Not Prostitutes

‘It is about men really raping women essentially’


ROCAH: “Absolutely. That’s a great question, Nick. I think the answer is yes. I think that shift really largely has occurred certainly in the federal system, which I’m more more familiar with and I know in certain states and it seems like Dave’s office in Florida, they certainly seem to have the right focus. Because this is not about prostitution, this is about, as Dave said, human trafficking, sex slavery. I mean, it’s not about women having sex with men, it is about men really raping women essentially. And they think because they’re paying for it, you know, its somehow voluntary. But women like this who are brought here under false pretenses and essentially held in captivity because their passports are taken away, they can’t communicate, I mean, Dave, hit the nail on head when he called it modern day slavery. And I will say, you know, it’s not dissimilar from another case that I know we might talk a little bit about, Jeffrey Epstein, he ran a sex trafficking ring, but it wasn’t women from foreign countries, it was young vulnerable girls here. And that is something that I saw very commonly in the federal system. It’s happening in our backyards. Everyone should really have their eyes open about this. And those girls are not prostitutes, they’re victims.”

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