Mike Pence: Trump Made It Very Clear in the Campaign, the Iran Deal Was a Disaster

‘Literally, the Iran nuclear deal didn’t prevent the leading state sponsor of terror from obtaining a nuclear weapon’


PENCE: “President Trump made it very clear in the campaign and once we took office that the Iran nuclear deal was a disaster. I mean, literally, the Iran nuclear deal didn’t prevent the leading state sponsor of terror from obtaining a nuclear weapon. It virtually guaranteed that at the end of ten years they would be able to obtain the world’s deadliest weapons. The president called him out on that, called out the deal, withdrew the United States of America, and is providing the kind of leadership that we think is changing the dynamics across this region. And -- and today we called on -- on leaders across Europe and nations around the Arab world to stand with us, to stand up for peace and security and democracy in the region, stand with the people of Iran by withdrawing from the nuclear deal.”

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