Kellyanne Conway: Trump Will Bring Up Abortion at His State of the Union Address

‘In New York, it’s abortion, anyone, anytime, anywhere’


CONWAY: "No, it doesn't seem to bother them at all earlier last week. In fact, they glossed right over that, they gave very little negative attention to the earlier legislation in New York, which was heralded by Planned Parenthood and Andrew Cuomo as governor. Very similar legislation where basically in New York, it's abortion anyone, anytime, anywhere. That's now the law. And if you look at the Democratic Party platform, you look at their abortion plan and their party platform, it's really not that different. They will resist any and all regulations or restrictions on the 'woman's right' to decide her reproductive freedom. That is fundamentally different than a, quote, in Ralph Northam pediatrician's words, fundamentally different than 'an infant being born' and then you're going to keep the infant 'comfortable' and let the mother decide to confer with the doctor. This is not America, that's not human rights. So, will the President mention it? Yes, I predict that he will. I will tell you that in this last week since Northam said what he said on that radio show, Rush, I've heard the President as animated on very few issues as he has been about that, because let's review. It was Donald J. Trump, improbably, who has now become the most pro-life president, I believe, in our nation's history, certainly in my lifetime and I'm an aging lady here. He improbably challenged Hillary Clinton in the way that most of the pro-life candidates I had worked for decades refused to do."

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