Dr. Ben Carson: ‘Not Fair’ To Say Republicans Are Anti-Science

‘You look in California, the places where outbreaks have occurred are largely blue areas, Democratic areas where people have said they don’t need them anymore’

WALLACE: You are talking about this in a very clinical scientific way, as a noted brain surgeon would. Some Democrats say there’s some elements in Republican Party, both candidates and voters, who deny science, whether it is vaccinations, or climate change, or evolution. Do you think that criticism is fair?

CARSON: No, it’s not fair at all. It’s not a partisan issue. You look in California, the places where outbreaks have occurred are largely blue areas, Democratic areas where people have said they don’t need them anymore. The reason they think they don’t need them anymore is because we’ve had such an effective vaccination program, you’re not seeing diseases. But now that you’re getting large pockets of people who are not vaccinated, the opportunity exists to reintroduce the disease. It’s not a Democrat or Republican issue at all.

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