Gallup CEO Backpedals: Government Jobs Data Is ‘Very, Very Accurate’

‘I don’t think that the government is misleading us at all’

Gallup CEO Backpedals: Government Jobs Data Is “Very, Very Accurate” (

Gallup CEO Jim Clifton caused big waves across the media on Tuesday when he published an article calling the official government unemployment number of 5.6% a “big lie.” Clearly the powers that be were not pleased with the criticism. The very next day, Clifton appeared on CNBC to qualify his statement.

In an almost Orwellian turn of events, Clifton hinted that he was afraid of the government if he didn’t disavow his written statement:

I don’t think that the government is misleading us at all. I think that the number that comes out of BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and the Department of Labor is very, very accurate. I need to make that very, very clear so that I don’t suddenly disappear. I need to make it home tonight…”

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