Brandon Tatum on Left’s Hysteria over MAGA Hats: They Are ‘Deranged’ and ‘Crazy,’ White Hoods Were on the Left
‘Nobody is going to tell me how I should believe or what I should think’
TATUM: "I think these people are deranged, man. I think some people believe it’s a joke to say there is such thing as Trump Derangement Syndrome, but I think it’s a legitimate thing. I’m a grown man with responsibilities. Nobody is going to tell me how I should believe or what I should think. You know, I can separate the man from what he has done before he was president. I love what is he doing now. I love his effort and energy. And this hat to me has given me hope about America. Returning to our Christian values. Putting America first. You know, we are all one people. And I think this hat represents that to me specifically."
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