Ben Sasse: ‘Truly Bizarre’ That Dems Are Demanding Judicial Nominee To Resign from the Knights of Columbus

‘The Senate unanimously decided to rebuke those kinds of lines of anti catholic attacks and questions’


SASSE: "There is a nominee — a good nominee that President Trump has picked to be a U.S. District Judge for the District of Nebraska. Brian Buescher is a Catholic and he is involved in the Knights of Columbus and bizarrely, some Democrats on the Senate judiciary Committee have decided to attack him for being involved in Knights of Columbus, the largest catholic fraternal organization in the world. They’ve asked if he would resign from the Knights of Columbus if he’s confirmed to the federal bench so that he didn’t give the appearance of bias. It is truly bizarre. And happily, big win tonight, the Senate unanimously decided to rebuke those kinds of lines of anti-catholic attacks and questioning coming out of the senate Judiciary Democrats."

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