Steny Hoyer: Trump’s ‘Holding Hostage, Not Only the 800,000 Federal Employees But the Millions’ Who Need Food Stamps

‘What our position is Mr. President, don’t shut down the government over this issue’


HOYER: “But what we’re not prepared to talk about or agree to is a wall that chairman McCall, who used to be the chairman, the Republican chairman of the Homeland Security Committee said was neither the most efficient nor most effective way to effect border security. But what our position is, 'Mr. President, don’t shut down the government over this issue. Let's negotiate it. Let’s talk about it. We want border security and so do you. Let’s talk about the best way to get there and yes, let's talk to the experts and how much money we need.' So our position is he’s in effect holding hostage, not only the 800,000 federal employees but also the millions and millions of people who need housing assistance, who need food stamps and need to go to our national parks and need to get their tax refunds. Don’t hold them hostage, Mr. President, while we discuss this."

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