Judge Jeanine on Rashida Tlaib: You Want to Impeach Him? Be Careful What You Wish for, He’s Not the Only One Who Can Be Voted Out

‘Did Nancy rein you in, Rashida?’

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PIRRO: “Your constituents want legislators who will work and not waste time or taxpayer dollars and instead work towards those goals instead of engaging in personal vendettas against the president. Butted the hip think it I is not just yours. It’s your party’s new Mo. They talked a good game. Civility, working together, working for the American people, not focusing on hate. No surprise, their first order of business on their nauseous Rall day as the majority party in the house was about hating President Trump. Brad Sherman of California wasted no time introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump. Right when we got the best jobs report this country has seen in nearly a decade. Does that make sense to you, Rashida? And your if he who Democrat in Tennessee has introduced a constitutional amendment to get rid of the electoral college. Another attempt to upend the Constitution. The Democrats’ hatred of the president is astonishing. Their hip truth I is astonishing. Congressman maing Johnson compared him to hitler. You call him an m-fer because you don’t like the way he talked. Did Nancy rein you in, Rashida? The president is improving the economy, making us safer and building a wall, and you want to impeach him. Is this what we can look forward to the next few years. The old impeach 45? You want Donald Trump out of office. Be careful what you wish for. He’s not the only one who can be voted out in 2020. That’s my open.” 

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