Brandon Judd: ‘Absolutely’ We Support Trump Claiming a Nat’l Emergency to Get the Wall Done

‘We’re going to support the shutdown’


JUDD: “ Absolutely if again, if it’s going to give us border security , we’re going to support that. We’re going to support the shutdown. We’re going to support national in 2014 the Democrats said that we had a crisis at the border. Well we’re right back at that same point, so why aren’t they saying that we have this crisis? Why aren’t they saying this is what we need? We need more personnel. We need a wall. We need physical barriers. They were for it before but all of a sudden they’re not for it and frankly I think it’s because they refuse to give him what they would consider a win going into 2020 but frankly, if I was a democratic strategist, I would be the first one to say we got to secure the border because the Republicans continue to use that as a talking point in the Democrats are always behind the 8 ball on it.”

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