Dershowitz: ‘Flynn Was Coerced Into Pleading Guilty to a Crime of Which He Was Innocent’

‘I don’t believe it was a valid plea’


DERSHOWITZ: "Well, I hope the judge will ask some very, very hard questions. Questions about whether or not the plea was a valid plea. I don’t believe it was a valid plea. I think that Flynn was coerced into pleading guilty to a crime of which he was innocent. He was coerced by threats against his son, threats against his fortune. And the reason I think he was innocent is, even if he told an untruth, which it seems as if he did, it was not a material untruth. The government already knew everything they asked him about. They knew he had conversations with the diplomat. They knew the nature of the conversations. They had recordings of it. And when you ask a question that you already know the answer to and you have proof of the answer, there is only one purpose to the question, and that is to elicit a lie, to do a morality test. And that’s not a proper function of the FBI. I hope the judge will agree with that.”

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