Schiff: Cohen Revelations Reveal Trump Was Hiding Russian Business Dealings from the Country and Is ‘Deeply Compromising’

‘If the business is trying to have favor with the Kremlin, we can’t ignore that’

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SCHIFF: “Obliterate was not my choice of words. Is there any entanglement that might influence U.S. Policy against our national interest? What we saw in the Michael Cohen revelation, some of the Michael Cohen revelations that the president while he was denying dealings with Russia, his business was pursuing in multimillion dollar deal in Moscow, hiding it from the that is deeply compromising. The president has wanted to draw a red line and say you daent look at my business. If the business is trying to have favor with the Kremlin, we can’t ignore that. The president should not be in a position to say you can’t investigate certain things. That’s what I mean. If Mueller is not looking into this and I don’t know whether he is, someone needs to because otherwise we are being derlict with our security.”

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