Sara Carter on Mueller, Flynn: ‘This Is the Most Egregious Abuse of Power’ Officials Have Seen, They Are Going After Trump ‘Full Force’

‘They are investigating every part of President Trump’s life’


CARTER: "We have this 302 in August and let me go back to say something. General Flynn was the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, I interviewed a number of people, even as far back as in December of 2016 and going into the first months of President Trump’s presidency, while he was President-Elect after all of this news broke and absolutely General Flynn would know and did know based on his job, that phone conversation with somebody like ambassador Kislyak were being recorded. Let’s go to the meeting that he had, the very first — January 24th with the two FBI agents. I was the first to report about this and both agents, both Peter Strzok and the other agent who interviewed him believed after they left that interview, that he did not lie whatsoever. Now we see that in writing. In fact, they felt he was so forthcoming because he had actually delivered information to them that only they knew, Flynn had no idea that they knew they had this. He was just so open about everything, they went back, said we don’t believe he’s lying. This is straightforward, he is very congenial and talking to us. He is open with us, he sees us as an ally and then what happens? We see Mueller trying to take him down. Let me tell you something here. I have talked to a number of FBI officials, former officials, senior officials, people in the Directorate of Security at the State Department, they said this is the most egregious abuse of power they have ever seen. As we are seeing right now, they are investigating every part of President Trump’s life, his campaign, they are going after him with full force. They didn’t even turn over the original 302. By the way, that August 302 is an interview with Peter Strzok about the January 24th interview."

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