Ben Sasse on Lewandowski and Bossie’s Book: Using Words Like ‘Treason’ About Policy Debates Is Messed Up

‘When you look at the small subset of people who put politics at the center of their lives, they tend to be really, really lonely’


SASSE: “I hope you will get them to define their terms. Republics aren’t healthy when people use words like treason about policy debates. That’s a pretty messed up world view. So the most fundamental things in life are about the people who love you and you are going to come for you and your old age. What is politics about? Politics is about maintaining a look for ordered liberty so that people can live in the neighborhoods in the communities that they live in. I haven’t seen their book, I haven’t met Cory Lewandowski, I’ve met David Bossie, he seems like a nice guy but language about enemies and treason, about policy and politics is pretty warped and I think most Americans think it’s weird. When you look at the small subset of people who put politics at the center of their lives, they tend to be really, really lonely. Most healthy people want to coach little league, they want to go to church and they want to have great coworkers at the office and they want to put on faceplate when Nebraska’s point football on Saturdays. That’s the most natural way to live and then you want politicians to do a limited number of things to maintain a framework and then they should go back home.”

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