CNN’s Henderson: Does Trump’s Tweet About the Cold Front Show He Doesn’t Understand How Climate Change Works?

‘Climate change is best exemplified by the consistent rise in temperatures year after year’


HENDERSON: "And we heard from President Trump, he tweeted about this cold front that we're seeing, basically saying, using that to question global warming. Does that that show he still doesn’t quite understand how climate change works?"

MARSH: "In a word, if you look at the tweet on the screen, yeah. It does seem as if he doesn’t. This is a tweet that says the brutal and extended cold blast could shatter all records. Whatever happened to global warming. But as we all know, climate change is best exemplified by the consistent rise in temperatures year after year, not simply looking at extreme weather over a one-day period or even a month, or even a one-year period. The tweet is clearly off base there as it relates to how this whole issue of climate change works."

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