Mazzetti: Trump’s Khashoggi Statement ‘a Blueprint for Autocratic Regimes on How To Get Their Way in a Trump W.H.’

‘You promise to buy things, you promise to create American jobs in any way, you’ll be protected’


MAZZETTI: "It was basically the most pure distillation of the Trump doctrine, if you will, in the 633-word statement. Alliances effectively are transactional. Whoever buys the most from the United States may get the best deal. Might be a better partner. Might be a better friend to the United States. As we said today, it really could be effectively a blueprint for autocratic regimes on how to get their way in a Trump White House. You can do what you want at home, but if you push certain buttons, you promise to buy things, you promise to create American jobs in any way, you’ll be protected and no one is going to ask too many questions. And that’s real departure from the way American presidents usually handle foreign policy. With this basic understanding that there is something like American values and they have to carry those values overseas. And you did not see that yesterday."

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