Joy Behar: The Women that Still Like Trump ‘Don’t Know the Difference Between a Predator and a Protector’

‘Because as far as I can tell, he is the one grabbing women by the you know what’

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BEHAR: “He said it — he said it because he realizes that women like him less than menstrual cramps. That’s why he said it.
HOSTIN: “So appealing to women?”
BEHAR: “Yes. He now has, like, this moment where he says, ‘Gee, they don’t like me,’ because do you see the numbers? The women are out there voting in droves. He now realizes that.”
McCAIN: “He polls around 34 percent with women, so yes.”
HUNTSMAN: “It’s not great.”
BEHAR: “The women that still like him say that he is a protector, a hero. That he protects —“
HOSTIN: “Their way of life and their values.”
BEHAR: “They don’t know the difference between a predator and a protector, because as far as I can tell, he is the one grabbing women by the you know what.”

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