CNN’s Van Jones on Fox News Pulling Trump’s Ad: ‘There’s Something Wrong’ When Even Fox Can’t Show It

‘No great friend of civil rights, can’t even run it’


JONES: “I just think we’ve been punched numb. We’ve been punched numb. The idea that the president of the United States likes an ad, loved it, tweets it out, and it is so racist and so offensive that Fox News, no great friend of civil rights, can’t even run it, we act like that’s just normal. Now we’re talk about Connecticut or something else. That is horrible. That is really, really bad. And, you know, we got young people tuning in for the first times in their lives to try to watch politics and understand what’s going on and this is their first exposure to American politics. The president of the united States is such a raving bigot that he likes stuff that cannot be shown to them on television. There’s something wrong with that.”

(Via Mediaite)

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