Crowd Chants ‘CNN Sucks!’ at Trump Rally

‘A lot of people said, it should be frightening every day having to speak to — one little misstep, stutter, accidentally saying a wrong word, it is a major headline’


TRUMP: "She opposed requiring proof of American citizenship at the ballot box, and she recently said she wants illegal aliens to be part of her blue wave. I think her blue wave is not going to happen. (Booing) And she brought Oprah here to help her. And you know, Oprah was a friend of mine until I ran for office. Once I ran from this we divert slightly. I think the media will check this. Look at all of those cameras. That is terrible. A lot of people said, it should be frightening every day having to speak to — one little misstep, one litter stutter, one little accidentally saying a wrong word, it is a major headline. It is a major headline. One little — one little, tiny — a little bit of a mispronunciation of a word. It's front-page news all over you know what? You know what? The bottom line just don’t to make any mistakes."
CROWD (chanting): "CNN sucks! CNN sucks! CNN sucks!"

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