CNN’s Lemon: Trump’s Language ‘Divides Us’ and ‘That’s Not What This Country Is Supposed to Be About’

‘That’s not who we should be’


LEMON: "So that kind of language, language that divides us. That’s not what this country is supposed to be about. Come on. Can’t we all just admit that? That’s not who we should be. We aspire to live up to the words that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Since this country was founded, many people fought to expand those rights to cover more Americans, people of color, women, LGBTQ Americans. But along with our rights, every one of us also has a responsibility right now, okay? I hope everyone is listening. We all have a responsibility. It’s a responsibility that’s at the heart of our democracy. We have to vote. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Republican or Democrat or an independent. You’ve got to vote. And don’t let anybody on any side tell you that this election is in the bag because it’s not, that your vote won’t make the difference. “

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