Comedy Central Mocks Celebrities Urging People to Vote in PSA

‘Some people are calling this the most important election of our lives, but they aren’t famous’

Comedy Central Mocks Celebrities Urging People to Vote in PSA: ‘Does Emma Stone Think I Should Vote?’ (Mediaite)

Over the past several months, we’ve seen celebrities urge Americans to vote on social media, PSAs, and award shows ahead of the 2018 midterms. Now Comedy Central is having some fun at their expense.

In a new PSA-style video, a diverse cast of non-celebs speak directly to the camera, noting that we’re not getting a “new president already.”

“All Americans are asking themselves the same questions; Should I vote?  How will I know I should vote if celebrities don’t ask me to?” they ask. “Does Emma Stone think I should vote? What about John Krasinski? Have you guys seen A Quiet Place?

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