CNN’s Bernstein: The Presidential Pulpit Has Become an ‘IED’ under Trump; ‘He Spews’ Hate and Division

‘He had every opportunity to make this a turning point in his presidency’


BERNSTEIN: “He kept his promise. I think we need to look at this from a different point of view. And that is that the presidential pulpit of Donald Trump is incendiary device. It has become an IED. He spews division and hate and disunity. And so we’ve had this horrible slaughter in Pittsburgh which is a great opportunity for him to move the other way. He held his rally. He came to Pittsburgh. He did not take a moment to say we need self reflection. I need self reflection. It’s time for me to examine what I’ve been saying from the presidential pulpit. Let’s all look at our hearts. Let’s all look at what’s going on in this country. Let’s look at anti-semitism. Let’s stop calling the other names. He had every opportunity to make this a turning point in his presidency. He resumed his divisive rallies. That’s where he’s going. He resumed within hours the language of hate, the language of division. And that is who he and this presidency and his pulpit is.”

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