Don Jr. Opens About the Terror Attack Against His Family

‘People sending me and my family explosive envelopes’


TRUMP: "People sending me and my family explosive envelope, the media had nothing to do with that? That just happens to be because they don't like me? Doesn't work that way, guys."

REPORTER: "Terror attacks via mail, via bomb, in the news. You've had a terror attack happen to you and to your family. What was it like?"

TRUMP: "Listen, it's terrible. I got a call from my wife that she opened up an exploding envelope with white powder substance in it. She had to go to the hospital, she spent a day in decontamination. One of my Secret Service guys, even when they knew it had to rein in, despite knowing that was. I mean, they were on Cipro for a week trying to get back what the substance was. Now, luckily, it turned out to be harmless, but it was a terrible thing to see."

(Via the DailyCaller)

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