Angela Rye: Trump’s Nationalist Label Is Not a ‘Dog Whistle,’ It’s a ‘Fog Horn’ to His Base

‘I would hope we don’t allow this country to cook to death behind this kind of nonsense’


RYE: "Plain and simply, when Donald Trump says he’s a nationalist, that is not a dog whistle, it’s a fog horn to his base. Alice, we know he’s trafficking in fear. I am devastated to hear you defend that nonsense. There is an analogy that my pastor used to use all the time about when you dump a frog in a boiling pot of hot water, he’ll immediately jump out, but if you put that frog in a cold pot of water and slowly turn the heat up, he will cook to death. And I would hope we don’t allow this country to cook to death behind this kind of nonsense. It is dangerous, it is toxic, and it needs to be stopped."

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