‘EuroNews’: Charlie Hebdo’s Unrepentant Record
‘Exercising the right of freedom of the press is not provocation’
Charlie Hebdo’s unrepentant record (EuroNews)
Charlie Hebdo has been publishing satire since its creation in 1969. Its left-wing editorial content was like bare-knuckle boxing, pop, politics, religion all fair game in the secular temple of traditional free expression.
In February 2006, it reprinted Danish daily Jyllands-Posten’s unflattering cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, which had sparked a storm of threatening protests throughout the Muslim world.
The editor-in-chief of the time, Philippe Val, said: “We published those caricatures first out of solidarity with the cartoonists in Denmark, not as a provocation. Exercising the right of freedom of the press is not provocation.”
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