Michael Beschloss Suggests Trump May Start a War to Help Himself ‘Politically’

‘This is not Donald Trump, any modern president in modern times will be tempted to do a war for political reasons’


BESCHLOSS: “Any modern president in modern times will be tempted to do a war for political reasons. They will note that George H.W. Bush, you know, the time of the gulf war wasn’t the reason the did it, but his numbers went up to 90 percent and who has noticed that more than anyone else? Donald Trump 2011/2012, anyone who is taking a look at his Twitter feed at the time, he was predicting over and over again on Twitter, Barack Obama will get the United States into an unnecessary war, he said, in order to get reelected. You can bet that at some part of his brain he connects the idea of possibly going to war and knowing that that can help you politically. I think that’s dangerous."

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