Tony Schwartz: Trump’s Attacks on Ford Are ‘Disgusting,’ ‘We Are in a National Emergency’

‘We need to be in action right now’


SCHWARTZ: "I think it is disgusting. I think it is really sad and I wish you had not played it again. I wish the media have not played it over and over again because it is full of viciousness and it is just, it is ugly. We are in a national emergency, we got less than 30 days where I think we have an opportunity to step forward. It is morning in America, not the Ronald Reagan kind. We can’t mourn for long what’s happening for Kavanaugh because otherwise you fall into depression and THA what - those of us who still have a passion for a different kind of America have to step out and vote. It is easy to go on Twitter and complain and say this is awful and ring your hands and it is easy for me to come on TV and talk about it. What matters is not only will you vote but that’s the chance we have but will you get someone else to vote. Will you go or get on the phone or will you go into the beauty parlor or your grocery stores and find someone that did not vote in the last election, get them to vote. We put up a website ca which is a way to get people to vote. We encouraged people put videos of someone else that they’re going to bring to vote. We put up a video and mark hamels and Luke sky walker, we need to be in action right now."

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