CNN’s Camerota to Raj Shah: At Worst Kavanaugh Assaulted Someone So Wouldn’t It Be Easier to Start Over?

‘Wouldn’t it be easier to go with a different nominee?’


CAMEROTA: "So, Raj, listen, at best it appears that Judge Kavanaugh misrepresented some of his past drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee and some of his experiences in high school and college in terms of how — how --"
SHAH: "I disagree --"
CAMEROTA: "Hold on."
SHAH: "-- with that contention, but sure. I’ll let you finish."
CAMEROTA: "OK. So he -- according to now many witnesses he misrepresented the level to which he drank and his memory issues. At worst, he sexually assaulted someone, as Christine Blasey Ford accuses. Wouldn’t it be easier at this point to go with a different nominee who doesn't have any of these problems?  You have time before January, just start over. This process has gotten too tainted. Start over and do a more clean process with a different nominee."
SHAH: "No. We’re not going to do that. The president and the White House are firmly behind Brett Kavanaugh. We believe that all the Senate's questions have been addressed through this supplemental FBI investigation. And to be clear, allegation — we cannot live in a world where allegation alone can sully a man’s reputation for life. Judge Brett Kavanaugh has expressed his denial firmly, unequivocally and repeatedly under oath, and Dr. Ford has identified three other individuals who would be able to corroborate her account, and none have been able to do so."
SHAH: "All three have said they either have no recollection or don’t think it happened."

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