WaPo’s Rucker: Kavanaugh Situation ‘Is a Rallying Cry’ for ‘White Men... Fearful of the #MeToo Movement’

‘And they see President Trump and his surrogates giving voice to these concerns’


RUCKER: “It’s absolutely an election issue, and it is motivating the both sides. You know, we focus a lot of attention on the wave of the enthusiasm of the Democratic side around the #MeToo movement, a lot of women voters who were so moved by Dr. Ford’s testimony last week. But the Kavanaugh's situation has been a galvanizing force for Trump’s base, for Republican voters, for conservatives who care a lot about the courts. And we have a story today actually in 'The Post' about how it's been a rallying cry for men in particular, white men who feel fearful of this #MeToo movement, who feel like, you know their sons, their fathers, their uncles, themselves could somehow be falsely accused of something and have their life or the career ruined and they see President Trump and his surrogates giving voice to the concerns, and it's been a motivating factor for them as well.”

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