MSNBC’s Przybyla Tries Spinning Kavanaugh Asking Friends to Vouch for Him into Scandal

‘There are specific text messages from her friend, from the one friend to the other, saying that Brett specifically was asking her to do things’


PRZYBYLA: "Exactly, Kasie, and that is the discrepancy, is that when he was asked by Orrin Hatch, he said — Orrin Hatch asked him, 'When did you find out about these allegations?' He said in 'The New Yorker' story. According to the texts we obtained prior to the publication of the story, Brett specifically was mentioned as someone who was approaching his classmate personally and asking her to come forward to refute the story. Other references in the text messages in advance of the story referred to Brett’s guy, Brett’s team, asking for information that all predated the publication of the story."
KAY: "And just to follow up on that, it was specifically in reference to the story that Brett Kavanaugh was asking for this kind of action to be taken, right? The texts would say that he knew the report was coming?"
PRZYBYLA: "No. He didn’t say, 'There’s this 'New Yorker' story, I need you to come out.' He was seeking information, he was seeking the photo. And in the second case, yes, he was asking his classmate to specifically refute what Debbie Ramirez was about to say."

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