Mollie Hemingway: ‘Real Reason’ Dems Wanted FBI Investigation Was to ‘Delay’ the Nomination

‘Certainly not going to take more than a couple days to find out what’s going on here’


HEMINGWAY: "Yeah, I think that the real reason why people were asking for an FBI investigation was that they were just trying to delay the process. There is no problem with having an FBI investigation at this point. And there were many things that happened that are good for people who would like to see Brett Kavanaugh seated on the Supreme Court. It got out of committee today. That was huge. It got out of committee with Jeff flake saying is he going to vote yes pending this return of this investigation. And the FBI investigation itself actually has fewer investigatory tools than the Senate has. They are not able to compel testimony. We already know who all the players are they have already given statements. It should not take long it only took a couple days to investigate the Anita hill situation. Only took a couple days to investigate Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Certainly not going to take more than a couple days to find out what’s going on here. This public appetite for delay, delay, delay. Oh, I can’t fly. Oh, we can’t comply with this is gone. So, it just has to happen now. And when it comes back, I think we can move forward."

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