Bill Cassidy: Clearly the Game Plan of the Left Is to Come out with Accusations Which Can Never Be Disproved

‘This is the weaponization of the #MeToo movement’


CASSIDY: "If you will, the source is being considered, not the accuser per se but Avenatti. Avenatti, you know, lawyer to porn stars who alleged this several days ago, who was immediately called by the Judiciary staff, but would not reveal any information, and now reveals it two days beforehand. Now, I have to judge as I am told. If I'm being told that a woman went to ten different parties where women were being gang raped and never reported it until two days before this hearing, that just doesn't seem right to me. Why would she continue to go to parties where this would occur? We've not heard more from her, but we have to have a filter. Clearly the game plan of the left is to come out with an accusation, accusation, accusation which can never be disproved but which are meant to taint, and that’s unfortunate."

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