Ron Wyden: Trump Can’t Fire Rosenstein for Cause; Would Be High Crimes and Misdemeanors

‘The president has day in and day out been looking for a path to fire Bob Mueller’


BERMAN: "You said, and I want to put this up on the screen, if the president fires Rod Rosenstein for the purpose of protecting himself from the Mueller investigation, that would represent high crimes and misdemeanor. I guess my question to you is how would you prove it is for the purposes of protecting himself in the Mueller investigation? Could he be firing Rod Rosenstein because Rosenstein wanted to tape him and was talking about invoking the 25th Amendment?" 
WYDEN: "Well, you would look, of course, at all the evidence. That is our job. And here is the bottom line: the president has day in and day out been looking for a path to fire Bob Mueller. That has been the end game and he knows that we are reaching a crucial time. Bob Mueller has gotten something like 12 guilty pleas to various kinds of financial crimes, money laundering, tax evasion. This is getting very close to what the president fears most, which is evidence of collusion. So, you look at all the evidence, but certainly I don't see any reason that you can fire Rod Rosenstein for cause. So, we're going to be looking at the evidence." 

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